Cabinet - Wednesday 11 September 2024, 6:00pm - Hertsmere Borough Council Webcasting

Wednesday, 11th September 2024 at 6:00pm 









Wednesday, 11th September 2024 at 6:00pm

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  1. 1 Communications and Apologies for Absence
  2. 2 Presentation of petitions
  3. 3 Declarations of Interest
  4. 4 Speeches By Non-Cabinet Members
  5. 5 Minutes of the previous meeting
  6. 6 Recommendations from Scrutiny Committees
  7. 7 Key Decisions
  8. 7 a) Allocation of Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Funding - Potters Bar Football Club
  9. 7 b) Parking Pay and Display Machines Upgrade
  10. 7 c) Parking Management Strategy Review
  11. 7 d) 84B Bus Route Update
  12. 7 e) Homelessness Review and Strategy 2024
  13. 7 f) Temporary Accommodation Procurement and Placement Policy 2024
  14. 8 Non-Key Decisions
  15. 8 a) Hertsmere Creative Strategy – Action Plan
  16. 8 b) Hertsmere Vision Performance Report – Quarter 1
  17. 8 c) Scrap Metal Policy
  18. 8 d) Revenue and Capital Outturn 2023/24
  19. 8 e) Main Insurance Contract Renewal
  20. 9 Any Other Business that the Chair considers Urgent
  21. 10 Date of next meeting
  22. 11 Exclusion of the Public
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